News 2020

Fact Sheet on Central Data Monitoring

A central data monitoring fact sheet offers harmonised guidance

The Monitoring Platform prepared a fact sheet examining and describing CDM in detail. This fact sheet aims to not only support the members of the SCTO’s CTU Network but also reach the entire Swiss research community. Click here to read more.

CTU Newsletter Dezember 2020

  • Monitorieren, Auditieren oder Inspizieren? Die drei wichtigsten Qualitätssicherungsmassnahmen in der klinischen Forschung
  • GCP-Refresher-Kurs für klinisch Forschende
  • Nächste Kurstermine

Simpl’HIV Trial

The first SNSF IICT trial with major involvement of CTU Bern published

CTU Bern contributed to the study design, provided the electronic case report form and trial database, monitored the German-speaking sites, and conducted the statistical analysis. Click here to read more.


How to address sex and gender bias in medical research

Understanding how sex and gender interact enhances the quality of science, health, and medicine. Covid-19 is an excellent example of this. We are therefore very pleased to announce the start of the continuing education course CAS in Sex- and Gender-Specific Medicine ( with several speakers from ISPM in March 2021.
Click here to read more.

SNSF funds 3 clinical trials from Bern within the 2019-IICT-Program-Call

The Swiss National Science Foundation overall funds five clinical trials within the 2019 call of the IICT program, three of which were submitted by researchers from the University of Bern/Inselspital and all supported by CTU Bern. Click here to read more.

“presize”: precision based sample size calculation

Sample size calculations are an important part of clinical research. Too few participants and the study objectives cannot be fulfilled; too many participants can be a waste of resources.

Basically, there are two methods to calculate the sample size. Click here to read more.

CTU Newsletter September 2020

  • Wie künstliche Intelligenz COVID-19-Forscherinnen und Entscheidungsträger unterstützen kann
  • News von den SCTO-Plattformen
  • Nächste Kurstermine

4th Congress of the Swiss Professionals of Clinical Research Coordination

The SPCRC invites you to the 4th congress which will take place at the Hotel Einstein in St. Gallen on Friday, November 13th, 2020. Click here to read more.

SCTO statement on Popular Initiative "For moderate immigration"

"No" to the Limitation Initiative – Preserve favourable conditions for research and innovation in Switzerland

On 27 September 2020, the Swiss electorate will vote on the popular initiative called “For Moderate Immigration” (Limitation Initiative). This initiative calls for ending the free movement of people between Switzerland and the European Union, which is guaranteed by the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP). Click here to read more.

COVID-19 AI tool to support researchers 

Scientists are drowning in COVID-19 papers. By one estimate, the COVID-19 literature published since January has reached more than 34,000 papers and is doubling every 20 days among the biggest explosions of scientific literature ever. Click here to read more.

Bewilligung CI als interdisziplinäre SISF-Forschungsplattform

sitem-insel Support Fonds (SISF)

Mit der Zulassung der Clinical Investigation (CI) als interdisziplinäre Forschungsplattform können Forschende ab der laufenden Antragsrunde SISF-Beiträge für Leistungen der CI beantragen.

BIOTOK Randomized Clinical Trial

Wearing shoes specifically designed with a novel sole (biomechanical footwear) significantly reduces the pain associated with knee osteoarthritis. Click here to read more.

CORON-ACT started enrollment

Today, the CORON-ACT trial started. The trial evaluates the effects of Tocilizumab in patients with progressing COVID-19. Click here to read more.

SNSF IICT Call Deadline: 26th May, 2020

The platform for this year’s SNSF IICT Call is open for submission of letters of intent since April 1st.
Please get in touch with us for a consulting now to discuss any idea for a clinical trial.

For the sixth time, the SNSF is launching a call for clinical studies on topics that are outside the industry focus. The process has been adapted and SNSF has set new requirements.
Please contact us for a consulting so we can support you in developing your study idea at:

Experience tells us, that early involvement of a CTU considerably improves the quality of proposals. Writing of IICT call proposals is labor-intense (but rewarding and fun). More information on the call can be found here.

Regulatory Affairs Watch Issue 3

In this issue:

  • Latest measures to combat COVID-19
  • Collaborating on the General Consent, the key success factor
  • News from Unimedsuisse and swissethics
  • General consent
  • Considerations in paediatrics
  • Innovative procedures
  • Patient organisation

CTU Newsletter März 2020

  • Klinische Studien in Zeiten der COVID-19-Epidemie
  • SCTO-Plattform-Event 2020
  • SCTO, Swissmedic und swissethics Roundtable
  • Update zu Regularien für klinische Versuche mit Medizinprodukten
  • Nächste Kurstermine

Medical devices: Lost in translation?

10th SCTO SYMPOSIUM - 8 June 2021, online

Together with Bern University Hospital, the University of Bern, and sitem-insel AG (Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine), the SCTO is holding its 10th symposium on 8 June 2021. National and international experts will share their perspectives on medical devices in clinical development.