
Timeline of CTU Bern

Mentionable events


Mentionable clinical projects

  • 2006

    SNSF call for funding CTUs

    The Swiss National Science Foundation launches a call for funding of clinical trial units (which coordinate and support patient-oriented clinical research). The first ideas to set-up a clinical trials unit at the University of Bern materialize.

  • 2007

    Funding proposal

    Funding proposal The proposal to fund CTU Bern is submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation (Main applicant: Peter Jüni from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine; additional applicants: Hans-Peter Marti (nephrology), Iris Baumgartner (angiology), Heinrich Mattle (neurology), Stephan Windecker (cardiology)).

  • 2007

    SNSF approval

    The Swiss National Science Foundation approves the proposal and provides seed funding, initially for the first three years (CHF Mio 1.05). CTU Bern is one of three units that receives funding in the first round of the program.

  • 2007

    CTU Bern foundation

    CTU Bern is formally founded and hosted at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of the University of Bern (its first offices are located at Niesenweg 9). Peter Jüni acts as its director. The unit is initially staffed with three persons: an associate director, a projector manager, and an administrative assistant.

  • 2008

    The first CTU project starts development: CARDIOBASE Bern PCI Registry. It aims to enroll all patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions at Inselspital Bern. Data collection is comprehensive and the data model complex due to the complex data structure. Enrolment will start in spring 2009. The structure of the electronic case report form remains unchanged until 2023 at which time it undergoes a major update with a complete new data model.

  • 2008

    Basic infrastructure set-up

    The first two years are characterized by establishing the basic infrastructure (basic accounting system, electronic data capture system) and marketing activities to publicize the new unit within the university hospital (Inselspital Bern, Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern, Zahnmedizinische Kliniken) and the university.

  • 2008

    Teaching activities start

    The first course with 25 participants on Good Clinical Practice and Research Ethics is held by CTU Bern (basic level).

  • 2008

    The POC-OP trial is the first randomized-controlled trial with comprehensive support by CTU Bern (study design, data management, monitoring, statistics).

  • 2009

    CTU offers advanced GCP course

    The first advanced Good Clinical Practice and Research Ethics course is held by CTU Bern (19 participants).

  • 2009

    COMFORTABLE AMI starts enrolment. It is the first international multicenter trial with substantial support by CTU Bern (data management, monitoring, statistics and study design). Main results will later be published in JAMA.

  • 2009

    SNSF SPUM program

    CTU Bern is heavily involved in the largest project of the Spezialprogramm Universitäre Medizin of the Swiss National Science Foundation: Inflammation and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) - novel strategies for prevention and clinical management. A large and long running cohort study originates from this project and the first international trial supported by CTU Bern.

  • 2009

    The SWITCO65+ projects starts. It is a multicenter cohort study. CTU Bern is responsible for the data management which is complex as it combines clinical and biobanking data.

  • 2010

    First relocation

    Because of renovation work, CTU Bern temporarily moves offices to UniS to finally arrive at the basement of Finkenhubelweg 11 at the end of the year. These offices (plus rooms on the third floor) will be the home of the unit for eight years.

  • 2010

    SNSF provides additional funding

    An interim report is submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation with a request for funding for an additional two years (CHF Mio 0.4). This proposal is approved by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

  • 2010

    First quality manager hired

    Institutional quality management and quality assurance of clinical studies are spotted as major areas for development. Consequently, a quality manager is hired, and the number of defined processes/standard operating procedures grows rapidly.

  • 2010

    Monitoring as a service

    The first professional on-site monitor is hired

  • 2011

    First Swissmedic inspection

    CTU Bern is inspected by Swissmedic. The inspection reveals some deficiencies in quality management. It becomes clear that a clinical trial unit requires a professional quality management system.

  • 2011

    The Swiss TAVI registry starts enrolment. It is a comprehensive Swiss-wide registry with rapidly increasing enrolment.

  • 2011

    Integration of CIU

    The former Clinical Investigation Unit of Inselspital Bern becomes an orphan after the head of the unit retires. To this end, the unit is integrated into CTU Bern as a workflow (as divisions of CTU Bern were called at that time).

  • 2011

    CTU integration into DKF (now DBMR)

    Originally established as an independent unit of the Direktion Lehre & Forschung of Inselspital Bern, CTU Bern is integrated into the Department of Clinical Research (now called Department of Biomedical Research) of the University of Bern to ensure sustainability.

  • 2012

    Quality management system implemented

    A comprehensive quality management system is implemented with the help of an external consultant.

  • 2012

    CTU Bern conducts a randomized-controlled trial to evaluate how accurately and consistently clinical trials are categorized according to the planned new Swiss Human Research Act.

  • 2012

    Project management professionalizes

    A project management system including an electronic billing system is realized.

  • 2012

    ETRELKA starts enrolment. The trial aims to determine the effectiveness and safety of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in patients with knee osteoarthritis. It uses a sham control which complicates conduct considerably.

  • 2012

    CTU Bern growth

    Staff of CTU Bern has been growing to 42 persons with 20.2 fulltime equivalents.

  • 2012

    A trial evaluating a symptomatic treatment of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections starts. It is the first trial at CTU Bern conducted solely in general practices. Unfortunately, symptomatic treatment is inferior and the research hypothesis had to be rejected (BMJ).

  • 2013

    Second Swissmedic inspection

    TU Bern is inspected by Swissmedic with a focus on the Clinical Investigation Unit.

  • 2013

    The SENS trial starts enrolment. It evaluates a complex intervention in palliative care. It turns out that enrolment is particularly difficult and completion massively delayed. Results are published in 2021.

  • 2013

    Human Research Act enacted

    CTU Bern holds several educational events to prepare researchers for the enactment of the new Swiss Human Research Act. The first event is held at the Auditorium Ettore Rossi with more than 100 participants.

  • 2013

    GLOBAL LEADERS starts. It is the largest trial (N=15,968 patients) with CTU Bern involvement, which is responsible for the statistical analysis published in 2018 in The Lancet.

  • 2014

    Human Research Act becomes effective

    The Swiss Human Research Act becomes effective. This new law has a major impact on how clinical research is regulated in Switzerland and consequently also on all processes at CTU Bern.

  • 2014

    The SWITCH trial starts. the primary aim of this trial in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage is to show that best medical therapy plus decompressive craniectomy is superior to best medical therapy alone. It is one of those trials targeting a challenging patient population. Consequently, project completion is heavily delayed but the importance of the study question keeps study sites engaged.

  • 2014

    Change in leadership

    Peter Jüni becomes the new director of the Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin and resigns as Director of CTU Bern. Sven Trelle and Urs Fischer (neurology) become Co-Directors of CTU Bern.

  • 2015

    First SNSF IICT program

    The Swiss National Science Foundation launches its Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (IICT) program. This program will become an important funding opportunity for CTU Bern.

  • 2015

    The Ebola Ça Suffit! trial is conducted. It is a cluster randomized trial evaluating the first vaccine for Ebola virus disease. It is sponsored by the World Health Organisation. CTU Bern provides data and project management (remotely and in Guinea, West Africa).

  • 2015

    Consultings and projects

    Consulting for clinical researchers, especially from Inselspital Bern, is a major service by CTU Bern. In 2015, 222 consultations are done by CTU staff. At the same time, 273 projects are open and running.

  • 2015

    First GCP Refresher course offered

    GCP Refresher courses are offered for the first time. They rapidly become very popular. The 500th participant is welcomed in a basic GCP course of CTU Bern.

  • 2016

    First SNSF IICT projects approved

    The Swiss National Science Foundation approves three projects with direct CTU Bern involvement within its first call of the new Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (IICT) program.

  • 2016

    OPERAM starts enrolment. It is the first trial supported by CTU Bern that is funded by a European Union HORIZON 2020 grant. Eventually, more than 2,000 patients will be enrolled. The database contains more than 1,4 Mio data points and the main results are published in the BMJ.

  • 2016

    Monthly lecture series starts

    CTU Bern establishes a monthly lecture series (CTU Lectures) to keep clinical researchers up-to-date on regulatory, quality, and methodological aspects of clinical research.

  • 2016

    BIOSTEMI starts enrolment in ten sites in Switzerland. After enrolment of 1,300 patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention, biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents were superior to durable polymer everolimus-eluting stents (Lancet).

  • 2017

    CTU is active in further education

    The 500th participant is welcomed in an advanced GCP course of CTU Bern.

  • 2017

    MASTER DAPT is conducted at 140 sites in 30 countries. It is the first truly global trial comprehensively supported by CTU Bern. Nearly 3 years later, 4,579 patients will have been enrolled. After more than 54,000 queries were resolved, main results are published in the N Engl J Med.

  • 2017

    In the same year, NOSTONE starts enrolment. It is the so far largest trial ever conducted in patients with recurrent kidney stones. After 416 patients were followed-up for a median of 2.9 years, main results are published in 2023 in the N Engl J Med.

  • 2018

    Formalization of CTU structure

    CTU Bern formally becomes an institute of the University of Bern and is independent of the Department of Biomedical Research. Clinical Investigation is no longer a division of CTU Bern but an independent unit at Inselspital Bern. Both units still work closely together.

  • 2018

    The ELAN trial had started enrolment already in 2017 but it truly takes off in 2018. Eventually, 103 sites will be activated in 15 countries enrolling 2,013 stroke patients with atrial fibrillation. The trial evaluates the safety and efficacy of early versus late initiation of direct oral anticoagulants. A clinical question not of interest to industry but important for clinical practice. The trial serves a nice example for the relevance of independent, academically-driven clinical research.

  • 2018

    First audit

    CTU Bern has its first external audit.

  • 2019

    ISO 9001 certification

    CTU Bern successfully completes two certification audits and receives the ISO 9001:2015 certification. This certificate independently confirms that the unit’s quality management system adheres to the ISO 9001 standard.

  • 2019


    Clinical Investigation Unit moves into the new sitem-insel building

  • 2019

    Consulting becomes even more important

    CTU staff provide more than 1,000 hours of consulting in more than 300 distinct consultations in 2019.

  • 2020

    Planning of the Department of Clinical Research

    Plans to form a larger umbrella organization for clinical research at the Faculty of Medicine materialize (Department of Clinical Research).

  • 2020

    The Solidarity trial of the World Health Organization starts enrolment. It tests several drug regimens for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Unfortunately, first interim results are disappointing as all of the initially tested four drugs have little or no clinical effects.

  • 2020


    The COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on how clinical research is done (boost for platform and adaptive trials, fast approvals, slow enrolment, remote monitoring etc.) and on how people work at CTU Bern (e.g., offices closed).

  • 2020

    Results of the Simpl’HIV trial are published in PLoS Medicine. The trial was funded in the first call of the Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials program. CTU was involved in developing the study design and was responsible for data management and statistical analysis.

  • 2020


    A new regulation for clinical trials with medical devices is enforced. The exact impact on independent, academic clinical trials remains still to be seen.

  • 2020

    Online teaching

    CTU Lectures are given over Zoom. This boosts participation with some lectures having more than 100 attendees.

  • 2021

    Change in leadership

    Urs Fischer becomes professor of neurology at the University of Basel. Sven Trelle is appointed as Director of CTU Bern.

  • 2021

    The pilot phase of the Swiss Health Study is completed. It provides data for the planning of a much larger nation-wide observational study.

  • 2021

    Projects @ CTU

    More than 180 projects are supported by CTU Bern (with at least 8 hours) the majority of which are clinical trials. Increasing the number of clinical trials is part of the unit’s strategy.

  • 2021

    The STREAM trial starts enrolment. It is a trial funded by the Investigator Initiated Clinical Trial program of the Swiss National Science Foundation that aims to enroll 1,800 participants who receive lipid-lowering drugs for primary prevention.

  • 2022

    SCTO Audit

    The audit platform of the Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation conducts its first audit at CTU Bern with a focus on data management processes. A very useful approach for further development.

  • 2022

    The SNF-funded TECNO trial starts enrollment. Over the last years, neurology has manifested as the second clinical discipline (besides cardiology) that conducts large clinical trials with CTU Bern.

  • 2022

    First DCR Director appointed

    Eva Segelov starts in her position as new Professor of Clinical Research at the university and as Director of the Department of Clinical Research.

  • 2022

    Main results of SWIFT DIRECT are published in The Lancet The trial started in 2017 and was conducted in 42 stroke centers worldwide. CTU Bern provided data management and was responsible for the statistical analysis. The trial ended in 2021 after enrolment of 423 patients.

  • 2022

    Staff @ CTU

    CTU Bern has around 50 employees with approximately 35 fulltime equivalents. The yearly budget approaches CHF Mio 5.0.

  • 2023

    Department of Clinical Research

    CTU Bern forms one part of the new Department of Clinical Research.

  • 2023

    The StOP? II trial is expanding enrolment with the first non-Bernese site(s). It is a large cluster randomized trial evaluating a communication intervention during surgery with a planned enrolment of 400 surgeons and 14,000 surgical procedures.