Weiterbildungskurs Protocol Basics

The Clinical Study Protocol Basics

The study protocol is the basis of any clinical investigation and a key factor in the success of the trial. This half-day course is a very condensed version of the former Writing a clinical trial protocol course. The importance of the protocol as the central document for a study will be discussed and essential elements for the most important chapters will be presented. Connections between chapters and elements will be highlighted with a special focus on the importance of consistency within the document. In a small group work we will critically appraise and discuss a real protocol of a randomized-controlled trial.

Note that this is not a course on regulatory affairs/the approval process or English language and grammar.

Target Audience

  • Principal & Sponsor-Investigators
  • Study coordinators/project managers


This is a half-day course:

  • Friday, 30 August 2024, 13:00–17:00

Number of participants: minimum 6
Please register for the courses in 2024 with your credit card here. Registration is possible until one week before course start.


Internal participants: CHF 30 (staff of the Inselspital, Bern University hospital and the University of Bern and students enrolled at the University of Bern)
External participants: CHF 250


CTU Bern, Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern