Clinical Investigators II: Advanced GCP & clinical research training

This is a course which aims at providing especially Sponsor-Investigators and Principal Investigators with the knowledge to set-up their own project.

Please note that as a Sponsor-Investigator you need to complete Clinical Investigators I and II. By registering for course II CTU does not check whether you have already completed course I.

Course dates 2024

  • Tuesday, 3 + 10 September 2024
    This course will be held online via zoom
    2 half days
  • Monday, 11 November 2024
    This course will be held on site at Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern
    1 full day: 08:30-17:30

Please register for the courses in 2024 with your credit card here. Registration is possible until one week before course start.

A minimum of 15 participants is required for the course to commence.

You can find further information about the course specification here:




Please note that for the issuance of a course certificate your personal data will be recorded in an electronic database. Your data will be treated confidentially and only used for internal purposes.