Shiny App implementation of the COVID-19 Social Monitor

The COVID-19 Social Monitor is a population-based online survey which informs the public, health authorities, and the scientific community about relevant aspects and potential changes in social and health behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland (see Moser et al. (2020) PLOS ONE, As of March 2021, 14 survey waves have been conducted since the first survey in March 2020.

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health funded the implementation of a Shiny App platform for an interactive and flexible description of COVID-19 Social Monitor ( This Shiny App allows to explore time trends of health and social indicators, adherence to mitigation measures, working and health care relevant indicators through different phases of the pandemic by subpopulations (for example, age groups and language regions).

The COVID-19 Social Monitor is a joint collaboration of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (University of Zurich), the Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) and CTU Bern (University of Bern) with funding from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz. The Shiny App was implemented by CTU Bern.