SCTO Risk Based Monitoring Score Calculator goes live

23.03.2022 - Determining the appropriate degree of monitoring for clinical trials is not always trivial. Risk based approaches allow one to assess how risky a trial is and perform monitoring activities accordingly. There are many possible risks to consider though - from complexity of interventions to inclusion & exclusion criteria, assessing study endpoints to safety concerns.

In collaboration with the SCTO Monitoring and Statistics and Methodology Platforms, we are pleased to announce a new tool for determining the appropriate degree of monitoring to use for a trial. The Risk Based Monitoring Score Calculator is a simple to use web based application based on Shiny (an extension of the R language). It presents a wide range of risks, suggests the degree of monitoring that might be relevant for your trial and then allows you to download a PDF report detailing the information you have entered and the recommendation. See the SCTO Tools page for additional information.