Revision of the CTU Bern T&C: New Terms and Conditions due to optimized internal processes

10.10.2023 – Please read about the updated terms and conditions for CTU Clinical Research Agreements regarding new information on data management, respectively database responsibilities and fees.

In today's world, the demand for server storage continuously rises, and the need for managing those resources becomes increasingly vital. Here at CTU Bern, we find ourselves in a dynamic environment where new projects are continually being initiated, often extending beyond their initially projected timelines. In response to these evolving circumstances, we have recognized the need for closely monitoring our database activities to sustain the integrity of our server infrastructure.

As part of this, CTU Bern monitors projects that extend beyond their agreed contractual periods without a communicated reason for delay and considers the introduction of an annual fee for such projects.

The updated CTU Bern Terms and Conditions reflect the above and detail changes on database responsibilities, new fee implementation, and specifics to REDCap Light projects.

Please refer to this link for the full CTU Bern Terms & Conditions.