CTU Bern

Results of CTU customer survey now available!


In January and February 2016, CTU Bern conducted a survey among customers from the Inselspital. The results of this survey are now available.

In January and February 2016, CTU Bern conducted a survey among customers from the Inselspital. The current survey was based on a similar survey conducted in 2012 to allow for comparisons and changes over time. It was implemented as a fully anonymous, web-based questionnaire.

550 persons were invited by e-mail to participate (4 reminders were sent to increase participation rate). Of these, 144 responded (25% response rate). About 75% have collaborated with CTU Bern and provided insights in how they view the quality of the collaboration.

Overall, quality of the collaboration and of CTU staff was rated good. The full report can be found below.

Although the result of this survey is generally reassuring and satisfying, some areas for improvement have been identified and will be addressed in the coming months.

Many thanks to all participants!