Data Management Plan: Writing Labs & Individualized Consulting

In October 2017, the SNSF introduced new guidelines on research data. Since then, researchers have to submit a data management plan (DMP) in the course of a grant application.
Are you planning to submit a project proposal to the SNSF and need assistance in writing your data management plan?

The University of Bern offers a set of services designed to support the DMP writing process:

Data Management Plan "Writing Labs"

Between 6 August and 11 September 2018, the University Library offers Writing Labs in English and German for everyone who needs to write an SNSF Data Management Plan for the October deadline.

The objectives of the workshop are:
  • to get familiar with the
    • SNSF guideline
    • SNSF template – step by step
  • Draft your own DMP
  • Discuss your issues with the Open Science team and other researchers
The participation in the Writing Lab is free of charge. Register here.
Click here to find additional information.


Individualized Consulting at CTU Bern

If you are looking for more individualized support during the entire Data Management Plan writing process, contact us at CTU Bern via email.
Experienced staff members will provide assistance and feedback during the development of the DMP within your specific project proposal to the SNSF.