CTU Bern

CAS in Clinical Research

Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effect of medications, medical devices, diagnostic tests or procedures, and treatment regimens used in humans and patients.

In the CAS in Clinical Research you’ll learn to plan and conduct clinical research projects and communicate their results. Clinical research also covers how to make prognostic assessments, to develop and validate prognostic models, and to assess how reliable diagnostic procedures or tests are in terms of, for example, sensitivity and specificity. Also covered will be how to conduct systematic reviews of multiple studies and meta-analyses of their results.

Clinical research uses epidemiological and biostatistical methods to analyze and interpret data. The CAS also covers how to use statistical software for study planning and data analysis. The ultimate aim is to draw reasonable and appropriate conclusions from clinical studies while acknowledging methodological limitations and statistical uncertainty.

Structure of the CAS

The CAS comprises approximately 10 course modules which require around 350-450 hours of work, leading to the acquisition of 15 ECTS points.

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