CTU Bern

6th Symposium of the Swiss Clinical Trail Organisation SCTO: Clinical Nursing – Medical Research


The 6th Symposium of the Swiss Clinical Trail Organisation SCTO will take place at Kantonsspital St. Gallen on Wednesday, June 17 2015. This year's symposium will address the topic “Clinical Nursing – Medical Research: Interfaces in clinical research – a convergence of two disciplines”.

In three sessions, leading experts and stakeholders of both fields will speak about the important role of clinical nursing research in advancing evidence-based practice. With this event, the SCTO aims to call attention to the hitherto mostly untapped interdisciplinary potential of clinical nursing and medical clinical research. So far, the interaction between the disciplines has been rather modest, although significant synergies are expected.

On June 17, SCTO the brings together experts to provide an analysis of interfaces between the two disciplines. The programme further includes a presentation of ongoing interdisciplinary and multinational research projects, as well as a discussion of the current state of clinical nursing research in Switzerland.

For further event details, please consult the programme flyer and the links given below.

Fees & Registration: Online registration 

For more information visit: http://scto.ch/